Report of Committee on Naval Affairs.
[FEBRUARY --, 1861.]
The Committee on Naval Affairs beg leave respectfully
to report: That the committee, believing that in the present condition
of our affairs, with the limited means at our command, and with no navy
yard in our possession except that of Pensacola, which is commanded
by the guns of Fort Pickens, any very extensive naval preparations
in time to meet the dangers that threaten us are impracticable, have, for
the present, limited their enquiry to such naval means as might serve as
auxiliaries to forts and arsenals and cooperate with land forces in the
defense of rivers and harbors.
The committee having no means of informing themselves
on this subject (the executive departments whose appropriate duty it would
be to furnish this information not being yet established), they summoned
to their aid several gentlemen of reputation and experience, lately attached
to the Navy of the United States, and another, formerly a distinguished
officer of the Corps of Engineers, and requested them to prepare a report
upon the subject. This report was promptly made, and the committee herewith
append it.
The committee think that the suggestions therein
contained are highly important and call for immediate action, but as the
duty of carrying them into effect has since devolved upon the Executive,
the committee will simply recommend that a copy of this report, and of
the documents accompanying the same, be sent without delay to the President.
MONTGOMERY, ALA., February 21, 1861.
SIR: The undersigned committee, having had under
consideration the several points connected with the military and naval
defenses of the rivers and harbors of the Confederate States, has the honor
to submit the following report:
1st, the defense of the Passes and approaches
to the city of New Orleans from the sea.--The committee recommends
that the existing forts on the river below New Orleans be put in the best
possible condition, both as to armaments and garrisons; that the suggestions
of Major Beauregard contained in a printed slip in the possession of the
chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, as to the employment of rafts
in aid of the forts, be adopted and acted upon, and that discretionary
power be given to that officer to remove at discretion any of the guns,
carriages, or other material now at the lake forts and at the arsenal at
Baton Rouge to the river forts, and that he be empowered to erect such
temporary earthworks at suitable points on the river as, in his discretion,
he may deem proper and necessary. The above defenses have reference to
an enemy after he shall have passed the bars at the mouths of the river.
To prevent his ingress over these bars, the committee is of opinion that
a couple of staunch and strong tugboats be immediately purchased and fitted
for the reception of as many heavy guns, each, as they will bear.
2d, the defense of Mobile.--With regard to this port, the committee is of opinion that if Fort Morgan be put in good condition and garrisoned, and an additional battery to consist of two or three heavy guns, be established upon Sand Island, its defense against ships of war will be complete. In addition to these defenses, a suitable steamer of light draft should be immediately purchased and equipped for the protection of the interior waters of the bay and sounds front the incursions of boat expeditions.
3d, Pensacola.--The committee adopts, with reference to this port, the reports heretofore made by Colonel Chase. These reports are in the possession of the Committee on Military Affairs.
4th, Savannah.--Fort Pulaski should be put in good condition and garrisoned, and in addition thereto one or more earth batteries should be erected on Tybee Island, to guard and defend the entrance to the river, and the engineer of the district should be given discretionary power to make such other constructions, and call into requisition such other appliances, as, in his judgment, may be demanded by contingencies.
5th, Charleston.--The main ship channel
into this port may be perfectly defended by Fort Moultrie and by
heavy batteries on Sullivans Island and Morris Island. For the protection
of the harbor and the interior waters, and to guard against surprise by
boat expeditions, one or two small steamers with light armament should
be employed.
In the above brief report, prepared with much
haste to meet the requirements of the naval committee, the undersigned
have confined themselves to an examination of the necessary means for the
immediate defense and protection of the principal assailable commercial
points. With reference to the protection of the extensive seacoast of the
Confederate States the undersigned have refrained from making any suggestion;
this is a subject Which will require much deliberation and the command
of considerable means.
Hon. C. M. CONRAD,
Chairman Committee on Naval Affairs, Montgomery,
The printed slip below is the one referred to
in the above report as having been written by Major Beauregard.
Our Military Defenses.
NEW ORLEANS, February 15, 1861.
To the Editors of the Daily Delta:
GENTLEMEN: As time presses, and it may soon become
urgent to be prepared for the worst, permit me to make a few suggestions
which may lead toward that end.
In the first place, we must look to our most
vulnerable point, the Mississippi River; for one single steamer, with only
two or three heavy guns, coming into the port of New Orleans would in a
few hours destroy millions worth of property or lay the city under a forced
contribution of millions of dollars.
It is an undeniable fact that in the present
condition of Forts Jackson and St. Philip any steamer can pass them
in broad daylight, and that even when in a proper condition for defense
they could not prevent the passage of one or more steamers during a dark
or stormy night without the assistance of a properly constructed raft or
strong wire rope across the river between the two forts so as to arrest
the course of said steamers, even only for half an hour, under the severe
cross-fire of said works.
The first thing to be done, then, is to, commence
the construction of (or prepare, at least, the materials for) said obstacles;
then the guns of the "land fronts" of Fort Jackson ought to be mounted
at once on the "river fronts"; the guns, chassis, and carriages at Baton
Rouge, Forts Pike, Wood, Battery Bienvenue, etc., that are not required
at present at those points ought to be sent at once to those two forts
on the river, to be put in position as advantageously as possible on their
river fronts; not overlooking, however, the flank guns of the other fronts.
All said chassis and carriages ought to be tried forthwith by double charges
of powder and shot. Ample supplies of ammunition ought to be sent there
forthwith. The trees along the river, masking the fires of those two forts
up and down the river, ought to be cut down at once, particularly those
on the Fort Jackson side. In a few words, no expense ought to be spared
to put these works in a most efficient state of defense, for $50,000 or
$100,000 spent thus might a few weeks hence save millions of dollars to
this State and the city of New Orleans.
A rough calculation shows me that the raft spoken
of would cost about $40,000, and three wire cables probably $60,000. Either
of these obstacles should be so arranged as to be opened or closed at will
from the shore, for the passage of commercial vessels, etc. As soon as
hostilities shall have commenced, one of those small tugboat propellers
ought to be stationed at the Head of the Passes to give timely warning
to the forts of the approach of any foreign steamers of war, by the firing
of alarm guns and rockets.
Preparations and experiments ought to be made
in the city to blow up with a galvanic battery any hostile vessels that
might come to an anchor opposite to the city.
A few Paixhans guns or columbiads ought also
to be put in temporary positions along the levee, to assist in the defense
of the port. In fact, not a stone should be left unturned that might assist
in accomplishing that object. We should be thoroughly prepared "for the
ides of March."
[FEBRUARY 12, 1861.]
Resolved, That this Government takes under
its charge the questions and difficulties now existing between several
States of this Confederacy and the Government of the United States, relating
to the occupation of forts, arsenals, navy yards, and other public establishments.
And that the President of this Congress be directed to communicate this
resolution to the governors of the States.
Agreed to.
[Adopted Feb. 12, 1861.]
An act to establish the Navy Department.
FEBRUARY 20, 1861.
Be it enacted, etc., That an executive department
be, and the same is hereby, established, to be called the Navy Department.
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That the chief
officer of said department shall be called the "Secretary of the Navy,"
and shall, under the direction and control of the President, have
charge of all matters and things connected with the Navy of the Confederacy,
and shall perform all such duties appertaining to the Navy as shall, from
time to time, be assigned to him [by] the President.
SECTION 4. Be it further enacted, That said Secretary
shall be authorized to appoint a chief clerk and such other clerks as may
be found necessary and be authorized by law.
An act for the reorganization of the Navy.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the Confederate States in Congress assembled, That from and after the
passage of this act, the Navy of the Confederacy shall consist of the following
officers, whenever, in the opinion of the President, it becomes necessary
to the public interests, viz:
3 admirals,
3 vice-admirals,
3 rear-admirals,
6 commodores,
20 captains,
20 commanders,
20 first lieutenants,
65 second lieutenants,
20 lieutenants "for the war,"
20 masters "in line of promotion,"
20 masters "for the war,"
20 master's mates "for the war,"
50 midshipmen,
50 acting midshipmen,
20 pursers or paymasters,
20 pursers or assistant paymasters,
20 surgeons,
30 first assistant surgeons,
30 second assistant surgeons,
1 engineer-in-chief,
12 chief engineers,
30 first assistant engineers,
30 second assistant engineers,
30 third assistant engineers,
20 boatswains,
25 gunners,
10 sailmakers,
10 carpenters.
And be it further enacted, That the different
grades or ranks embracing that of admiral to lieutenant, inclusive, shall
assimilate with, and be the same as those of corresponding rank in the
Confederate Army, and that all promotions made for gallant and meritorious
services shall have due regard to seniority of commission and standing
on the register; but in all cases where sufficient proof is adduced of
disability, either professionally, physically, mentally, or morally, of
the senior officer, then it shall and may be lawful to promote the junior,
and the President is hereby authorized to place such senior officer on
the furlough list upon the half pay and rank of the grade and rank to which,
if promoted under other circumstances, he would have been entitled.
SECTION 2. And be it further enacted, That for
distinguished services in battle or otherwise the President be requested
to cause suitable medals to be struck, or appropriate badges to be prepared
and presented to such officers, which are to be worn on all public occasions,
as the incentive to others to win the nation's gratitude by deeds of noble
daring or distinguished merit.
SECTION 3. All officers on sea service will be
allowed one ration per day; the same shall apply to all officers attached
to receiving ships and vessels in commission.
SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That all
laws inconsistent with the provisions of this act be, and the same are
hereby, repealed.
Scale of rank in service.
The admiral, with the general.
Vice-admiral, with the lieutenant-general.
Rear-admiral, with the major-general.
Commodore, with the brigadier-general.
Captain, with the colonel.
Commander, with the lieutenant-colonel.
Lieutenant commanding, with the major.
Lieutenant, with the captain.
An act to amend an act entitled "An act
recognizing the existence of war between the United States and the Confederate
States, and concerning letters of marque, prizes and prize goods,
approved May 6, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one."
SECTION 1. The Congress of the Confederate States
do enact, That the tenth section of the above entitled act be so amended
that in addition to the bounty therein mentioned the Government of the
Confederate States will pay to the cruiser or cruisers of any private armed
vessel commissioned under said act, twenty per centum on the value of each
and every vessel of war belonging to the enemy that may be sunk or destroyed
by such private armed vessel or vessels, the value of the armament to be
included in the estimate. The valuation to be made by a board of naval
officers appointed, and their award to be approved by the President, and
the amount found to be due to be payable in eight per cent bonds of the
Confederate States.
SEC. 2. That if any person who may have invented
or may hereafter invent any new kind of armed vessel, or floating battery,
or defense, shall deposit a plan of the same, accompanied by suitable explanations
or specifications, in the Navy Department, together with an affidavit sitting
forth that he is the inventor thereof, such deposit and affidavit (unless
the facts set forth therein shall be disproved) shall entitle such inventor
or his assigns to the sole and exclusive enjoyment of the rights and privileges
conferred by this act, reserving, however, to the Government, in all cases,
the right of using such invention.
Approved, May 21, 1861.
Montgomery, May 9, 1861.
SIR: Upon the receipt of this order you will
proceed to England for the purpose of purchasing or having built, as your
judgment may dictate, six steam propellers.
Although these vessels are required immediately,
and the great importance of purchasing rather than encountering the delay
of constructing them is apparent, it is not less important that they should
possess the essential qualities desired. It may therefore be found necessary
to construct them.
Should you determine upon this course, it will
be necessary to adopt measures not only to secure the ends desired, and
the execution of your contracts in good faith, but which will shield us
from the errors as well as the undue exactions of builders and constructors.
It is not necessary that this Government should be recognized in the transaction,
and it will be expedient for you to make your contracts through the intervention
or some well known and established English commercial house which has the
confidence of the commissioners from these States to England.
You will present yourself to these gentlemen
as early as practicable, counsel with them as to your objects, and seek
their cooperation so far as they may feel at liberty to extend it. Their
advice will enable you to select agents upon whose good feeling and faith
toward our country as well as upon whose integrity and judgment you must
to a certain extent depend.
You will endeavor by your contracts to provide
as one of the conditions of payment for the delivery of the vessels under
the British flag at one of our Southern ports, and, secondly, that the
bonds of the Confederacy be taken in whole or in part payment.
The class of vessels desired for immediate
use is that which offers the greatest chances of success against the enemy's
commerce, and in their selection the department
is unwilling to limit your judgment. But as side-wheel steamers can not
be made general cruisers, and as from the enemy's force before our forts,
our ships must be enabled to keep the sea, and to make extended cruises,
propellers fast under both steam and canvas suggest themselves to us with
special favor.
Large ships are unnecessary for this service;
our policy demands that they shall be no larger than may be sufficient
to combine the requisite speed and power, a battery of one or two heavy
pivot guns and two or more broadside guns, being sufficient against commerce.
By getting small ships we can afford a greater number, an important consideration.
The character of the coasts and harbors indicate attention to the draft
of water of our vessels. Speed in a propeller and the protection of her
machinery can not, of course, be obtained upon a very light draft, but
they should draw as little water as may be compatible with their efficiency
At least one Armstrong breech-loading rifled
gun, with pivot carriage, or some other gun of equal merit, should be provided
for each vessel, the caliber and weight of which you will determine.
The selection of the best gun involves careful
inquiry. A gentleman, Mr. Huse, is now in Europe upon public business,
whom you may consult with advantage upon this point, as he is charged with
the purchase of ordnance for this department. Our commissioners will make
you acquainted with him. One hundred rounds of prepared ammunition, both
shot and shell, must accompany each gun, and you will ascertain the method
of preparing it.
In addition to the guns you will also purchase
1,000 navy pistols, revolvers, with 100,000 rounds of fixed ammunition
and 500,000 percussion caps. One thousand navy carbines, with 100,000 rounds
of fixed ammunition, and 500,000 percussion caps. The proper supply of
appendages (bullets, molds, wipers, etc.), and also spare parts for both
pistols and carbines must be provided, and also 1,000 navy cutlasses.
A supply of the ordinary marine fireworks for
each vessel must also be obtained, and 10,000 pounds of cannon and 2,000
pounds of musket powder.
The following articles of clothing you
will also purchase:
For marines.--Two thousand pairs of pants,
2,000 jackets, 1,000 overcoats and watch coats, 1,000 pairs of shoes, brogans,
2,000 flannel shirts, 2,000 canton flannel drawers, 2,000 pairs woolen
socks, 1,000 blankets, 1,000 fatigue caps, 1,000 shirts (linen and cotton).
(See extracts at end for description of marine clothing.)
For seamen.--Two thousand pairs pants,
cloth or cassinette, 2,000 jumpers, 1,000 round jackets, 2,000 pairs duck
pants, 2,000 blue flannel overshirts. 2,000 blue flannel undershirts, 2,000
blue flannel drawers, 2,000 pairs of shoes, 3,000 pairs of socks (woolen),
2,000 blankets. 2,000 blue cloth caps, 1,000 pea jackets, 2,000 barnesley
shirting frocks, 2,000 black silk handkerchiefs, 1,000 yards of bunting
divided into red, white, and blue. (To be similar to the clothing use,
I in the British navy without any designating marks.)
It may be necessary and advisable to place all
the arms and munitions on board of the swiftest vessel, and to embark in
her yourself. The best manner of entering the Southern ports is necessarily
left to your judgment. Should the vessels under the British flag be
warned off by a blockading force, they might try the next port, running
the Virginia, Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida coasts down successively.
They should be brought into those ports only where they could be fitted
Crews of admirable seamen and firemen might be
shipped, induced to come by the higher wages given in our Navy and hopes
of promotion and prize money.
Should any of the vessels be prevented by force
from entering our ports, The Havannah might be sought, or Jamaica, from
whence arrangements might be made for running them over the Gulf or fitting
them out.
The vessels should be so prepared that no detention
would be necessary in our ports, hence a due supply of navy stores and
provisions, liquor excepted, for a six months' cruise should be placed
on board of each vessel.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of the Navy.
Montgomery, Ala.
SIR: An agent of this department for the purchase
of six steam propellers abroad will leave for England to-morrow. In
addition to the vessels he has specific instructions as to the purchase
of munitions of war and certain naval stores and provisions for a six months'
cruise for each ship.
The appropriation heretofore made for the purchase
of 10 steam gunboats will be inadequate for these objects, 4 of the 10
having been purchased, together with munitions of war, and officers of
the Navy, under the direction of the department, being engaged in efforts
to purchase others.
I have the honor, therefore, to submit for your
consideration and to recommend an appropriation of $1,000,000 for the purchase
of six screw ships, with rifled ordnance, small arms, and other munitions
of war.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
TO: Hon. Mr. CONRAD,
Chairman Committee on Naval Affairs.
No. 116.]
An act authorizing an agent to be sent abroad
to purchase vessels and arms, and making an appropriation therefor.
The Congress of the Confederate States of America
do enact, That to enable the Navy Department to send an agent abroad to
purchase six steam propellers, in addition to those heretofore authorized,
together with rifled cannon, small arms, and other ordnance stores
and munitions of war, the sum of one million of dollars is hereby appropriated
out of the Treasury of the Confederate States.
President of the Congress.
Approved, May 10, 1861.
A true copy.
Law Clerk, Department Justice.
No. 117.]
An act to authorize the purchase or construction
of certain vessels of war.
SECTION 1. The Congress of the Confederate States
of America do enact, That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized
to cause to be purchased if possible, otherwise to be constructed with
the least possible delay, in France or England, one or two war steamers
of the most modern and improved description, with a powerful armament and
fully equipped for service.
SECTION 2. The Congress do further enact, That
the sum of two millions of dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated
to carry the foregoing section into effect.
President of the Congress.
Approved, May 10, 1861.
A true copy.
Law Clerk, Department Justice.
Report of the Secretary of the Navy.
NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 26, 1861.
In pursuance of the authority contained in the
naval appropriation act approved March 16, 1861, I entered upon the duty
of procuring vessels for the Navy of the Confederate States. Experienced
and judicious naval officers and civilians have been actively engaged in
the ports of the United States, Canada, and the Confederate States in search
of steamers suitable for, or which might be readily converted to, war purposes,
and offers to build vessels have been invited and have been received from
leading naval constructors. The expediency and policy of purchasing rather
than building vessels at this time are obvious.
The construction and equipment for sea of a steam
sloop or frigate of sufficient power and speed to compare favorably with
similar ships of the United States, Great Britain, or France would occupy
in the Confederate States, under the most favorable circumstances, at the
present time, from 12 to 18 months and cost from eight hundred and fifty
to twelve hundred thousand dollars.
With the necessary preparation effected, there
can be no doubt that ships can be constructed within the Confederate States
as economically as in any other part of the continent, but delay and expense
are necessarily involved in such preparation. The estimates submitted to
the department for constructing ships exhibit a difference of 80 per cent
between the offers of builders who are familiar with and prepared for the
construction of war vessels in Northern ports and those of our own ports.
I propose to adopt a class of vessels hitherto
unknown to naval services. The perfection of a warship would doubtless
be a combination of the greatest known ocean speed with the greatest known
floating battery and power of resistance; and such a combination has been
diligently but vainly sought, with but little regard to cost, by Great
Britain and France.
Vessels built exclusively for ocean speed, at
a low cost, with a battery of one or two accurate guns of long range, with
an ability to keep the sea upon a long cruise and to engage or to avoid
an enemy at will, are not found in their navies, and only to a very limited
extent in that of the United States, the speed and power of whose ships
are definitely known. The latter power has built a navy; we have a navy
to build; and if in the construction of the several classes of ships we
shall keep constantly in view the qualities of those ships which they may
be called to encounter we shall have wisely provided for our naval success.
The State of Georgia, at her own expense, purchased
two small steamers to aid in the defense of her coasts; and these having
been tendered to the Confederate States, a competent officer has been directed
to examine them, and they will be purchased and continued in their present
service if found adapted to it.
The coasts of Carolina and Georgia, from Charleston
to the St. Mary's River, are exposed to the operations of marauders, and
especially to the raids of such parties as the Abolition societies are
sending abroad, and a few determined men of the Redpath and John Brown
school might there inflict incalculable injury, when upon islands and at
isolated points large bodies of slaves are employed and left almost entirely
to themselves.
Many other portions of our extended seaboard,
indented as it is with bays and inlets, though less tempting to marauding
and piratical aggression, are equally exposed; and I propose to provide
protection against such attacks as early as practicable.
Steam vessels which can be most advantageously
employed against commerce have been actively sought for, but they are very
rarely found engaged in the passenger or carrying trade; and the agents
of the department have thus far purchased but two, which combine the requisite
qualities. These, the Sumter and McRae, are being fitted as cruisers and
will go to sea at the earliest practicable moment.
Side-wheel steamers, from the exposure of their
machinery to shot and shell, and their liability to be disabled by a single
shot, from the fact that if prevented from steering they are helpless as
sailers; and that they can not carry to sea sufficient coal for any but
short cruises, are regarded as unfit for cruising men of war; and propellers
are adopted by all the naval powers of the earth. Vessels of this character
and capacity can not be found in this country, and must be constructed
or purchased abroad.
The steamer Star of the West, which was recently
taken possession of on the coast of Texas, being then engaged as a United
States military transport, and sent to New Orleans, has been turned over
to this department, and a board of examination having decided her to be
unfit for war purposes, except as a transport, she will be used for the
present as a receiving ship at New Orleans.
The act of organizing the Navy authorizes the
President to appoint "4 captains, 4 commanders, 30 lieutenants, 5 surgeons,
5 assistant surgeons, 6 paymasters, and 2 chief engineers, and to employ
as many masters, midshipmen, engineers, naval constructors, boatswains,
gunners, carpenters, sailmakers, and other warrant and petty officers or
seamen as he may deem necessary, not to exceed in the aggregate 3,000."
And the act entitled an act supplementary to an act entitled an act to
organize the Navy, approved March 16, 1861, enacted, "That in case officers
who were formerly attached to the Navy of the United States, but had resigned
in consequence of the secession of any one or of all the Confederate States,
the President is authorized to affix to their commissions such dates as
may be necessary to secure to them the same relative position' that they
held in the former service."
Under these acts 4 captains, 4 commanders, 21
lieutenants, 5 surgeons, 2 assistant surgeons, 4 paymasters, and 1 master,
who resigned their commissions in the Navy of the United States in consequence
of secession, have been appointed to the grade and rank they severally
held there, in the Navy of the United States. In addition to these, 11
midshipmen have been appointed. These appointments have been also made
exclusively from the number of those who resigned from the United States
Navy and Naval Academy, in consequence of the secession of these States,
and they have been taken according to their academic merit as exhibited
by the report of that institution.
Recruiting stations have been established at
Montgomery and New Orleans; but as enlistments in the services of the States
of Alabama and Louisiana and in that of the Confederate States are being
made, the whole number of marines authorized by law has not yet been obtained.
One company of 100 men is now in charge of a heavy battery in front of
Fort Pickens and is being actively drilled in the use of great guns and
small arms.
I suggest that another second lieutenant be added
to each of the six companies of this corps. The companies consist of 100
men each, and they must be more frequently called upon to act in small
detachments than the companies of any other arm of the military service.
Appreciating the importance of fostering private
efforts to manufacture heavy guns for the Navy at different points in the
Confederate States, a contract has been made with two establishments at
New Orleans for casting a few 8-inch and 32-pounder guns with a moderate
quantity of shot and shell. But the practical difficulties to be overcome
induce serious doubts of the success of the undertaking.
Rifled cannon are unknown to naval warfare; but
these guns having attained a range and accuracy beyond any other form of
ordnance, both with shot and shell, I propose to introduce them into the
Navy, and an estimate for $20,000 is submitted for the purpose of obtaining
them. Small propeller ships, with great speed, lightly armed with these
guns, must soon become, as the light artillery and rifles of the deep,
a most destructive element of naval warfare.
The preparation of ordnance and ordnance stores,
including cannon, powder, shells, shrapnel, and fuzes, and the various
preparations essential to naval success, is a subject that demands prompt
attention. The number of those who are familiar with the preparation of
many kinds of ordnance stores is very limited, and I propose to establish
a magazine and laboratory for their manufacture and safe-keeping at some
appropriate point at once; and an appropriation of $37,000 is asked for
the purpose.
The law organizing the Navy provides for six
paymasters; four have already been appointed. I would suggest that the
grade of assistant paymasters be created, the number limited to six, and
that all paymasters shall in future be promoted from this grade.
Such a grade, while it would meet the wants of
the service and relieve the department from devolving upon commanding officers
the duties of which they are totally ignorant and which usually entail
upon them embarrassments and losses, would provide a necessary class of
officers for small vessels at a moderate expense.
The salary upon sea service should not, in my
judgment, exceed $1,000; nor the bond be in a less penalty than $10,000.
Not only are naval officers, as a class, ignorant
of the duties required of a paymaster, but the performance of these duties
by the commanding officers of a vessel must inevitably place him in a wrong
position toward his crew and have a tendency to relax discipline and impair
the efficiency of the ship. The accounts and disbursements of the ship
should be kept and made by an officer unconnected with-sailing disciplining,
and fighting the vessel; and the seamen, in all controversies in relation,
to their pay and clothing accounts with the paymaster, should find an impartial
arbiter in the commanding officer.
The preservation of forest timber for naval shipbuilding
requires the attention of Congress.
No nation of the earth possesses ship timber
of equal excellence or in equal abundance; and, while Great Britain, France,
and Russia are carefully guarding and providing for the preservation of
every forest tree of their own useful for naval purposes and are obtaining
large supplies of spars for heavy ships from our States, we can not with
prudence ignore the subject.
The best live-oak timber is found in Florida,
Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas; and the pine forests of Georgia, Alabama,
and Florida furnish spars and lumber unsurpassed by any of the same character
in the world, and the white oak is found in all the States of the Confederacy.
Limited reservations, judiciously selected after
careful examination, might be made with the consent of the States within
which they may be located; and the collectors of the customs within the
several districts, or special agents, might be employed to protect them
from depredation. Timber could not be cut and removed to any great extent
upon such reservations if the collectors or agents exercised good faith
and proper diligence.
The policy and justice of providing pensions
for wounds and disabilities received by naval men in the line of duty,
in defense of the honor and interest of our country, and of extending the
benefits of such pension to the widows and children of deceased pensioners
during their widowhood or minority, will not, I presume, be questioned.
Seamen necessarily leave home, family, and friends
behind them in their professional career, and may rightfully look to their
country to shield and protect their wives and children.
It may be questioned whether any pension laws
are in force, and hence I invite attention to the subject. There are in
the Confederate States widows and orphans of gallant Southern men, who
died in the service of their country. Their pensions heretofore drawn under
the laws of the United States have been cut off, and I submit the question
of providing for their payment.
Estimates amounting to the sum of $278,500 are
herewith submitted, which, with the amount already appropriated, will,
it is supposed, meet the wants of the naval service for the year ending
February 18, 1862.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your
obedient servant,
Secretary of the Navy.
Navy Department, July 18, 1861.
SIR: I have the honor to report to you the operations
of this department since the 26th of April last, the date of my last report.
Four steamers have been purchased and equipped
to aid in the defense of the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia, and
contracts are being made with builders in those States for the immediate
construction of gunboats to mount each three heavy guns and to act in connection
with the steamers. This force, supplied with a proper number of first rowboats
and seamen for coast guard duty, and able to traverse the entire inland
navigation between Charleston and Savannah, and on other parts of the coasts,
it will, it is believed, effectually oppose all piratical attempts upon
them, while a union of the force would master any of the enemy's smaller
ships, and might successfully assail his frigates.
This command is assigned to Flag-Officer Tattnall.
Three steamers have been purchased, armed, and
equipped at New Orleans. One of these, the sloop Sumter, of 520
tons, armed with one 8-inch pivot gun and four 32-pounders, with a complement,
all told, of 109, under the command of Commander Semmes, ran the
blockade of the Mississippi River and got to sea as a cruising vessel on
the 30th ultimo.
The sloop McRae, of 830 tons, armed with
one 9-inch pivot and six 32-pounder guns, with a complement of 152, all
told, under the command of Lieutenant Commanding Huger, is ready
and watching for an opportunity to get to sea.
These are both good, substantial steam propeller
sloops of war, with uncommon speed for vessels of their class.
The third steamer, the Jackson, one of
the Mississippi tugs, has been strengthened, thoroughly fitted, armed,
and equipped, and having made a trip to Memphis for service under General.
Pillow, has returned to New Orleans.
In addition to this vessel, Captain Rousseau,
charged with the duty of aiding by naval means in the defense of the coasts
of Louisiana and the Mississippi River, has authority to construct five
gunboats adapted to those waters, and to purchase, arm, and equip four
other steamers, and to employ armed barges in the Lake and Sound service
in connection with them. These vessels, it is alleged, can be completed
in sixty days.
The cost of making the necessary alterations
and outfits of vessels in New Orleans have far exceeded the estimates of
the officers in charge, in consequence, as they allege, of mistakes of
experts as to the repairs of hull and machinery, vastly enhanced price
of labor and materials, and by the combinations in a great degree between
workmen and vendors.
The department has purchased from the State of
North Carolina five small steamers, whose draft of water enables them to
pass the shallow waters connected with Pamlico, Albermarle, and Currituck
Sounds, and which are of a class of vessels essential to their defense.
These vessels will be properly armed and equipped and actively employed.
The side-wheel steamers Patrick Henry and
[Thomas Jefferson], formerly known as the Yorktown and Jamestown, have
been purchased from the State of Virginia.
The Patrick Henry has been partially plated
with iron, to shield her boilers and some of the vulnerable portions of
her machinery. This vessel is of a burden of 1,300 tons, and is one of
the fastest side-wheel steamers afloat. She has been greatly strengthened
to support a battery which consists of two 10-inch pivot and eight 8-inch
broadside guns, with a complement all told of 180. She is in the James
River, commander[ by Commander John R. Tucker, under orders for
sea, and will run the blockade at the earliest practicable moment for a
cruise off New York.
This establishment has been placed under the
control of the department since my last report. A large force is usefully
employed there, chiefly in the various operations connected with the military
defenses of the country.
Heavy guns from this yard have been sent to several
of the Confederate States. Two hundred and three have been sent to North
Carolina, 52 to Tennessee, 21 to Louisiana, 40 to South Carolina and Georgia,
and 217 are in 21 batteries in Virginia, commanded by naval officers.
The preparation of these guns, with their equipments
for service, the construction of gun carriages, and the preparation of
shot and shell have principally occupied the large force at the yard.
The organization of a naval laboratory has been
commenced and it will soon be in a condition to manufacture the fuses,
caps, bullets, shot, shell, shrapnel, fireworks, etc., in general use,
and to cast-iron and brass cannon.
The machine shop at this establishment for the
want of suitable means has never been able to complete a heavy steam engine
for a war vessel, the shafting having to be done in Baltimore or elsewhere.
With the exception of Tennessee there is no establishment within the Confederate
States where such work can be done. I have purchased a Nasmith hammer to
supply this deficiency, and in a short time the entire machinery of steamships
may be constructed there.
The frigate Merrimack has been raised
and docked at an expense of $6,000, and the necessary repairs to hull and
machinery to place her in her former condition is estimated by experts
at $450,000. The vessel would then be in the river, and by the blockade
of the enemy's fleets and batteries rendered comparatively useless.
It has therefore been determined to shield her
completely with 3-inch iron, placed at such angles as to render her bah
proof, to complete her at the earliest moment; to arm her with the heaviest
ordnance, and to send her at once against the enemy's fleet. It is believed
that thus prepared she will be able to contend successfully against the
heaviest of the enemy's ships, and to drive them from Hampton Roads and
the ports of Virginia.
The cost of this work is estimated by the constructor
and engineer in charge at $172,523, and as time is of the first consequence
in this enterprise, I have not hesitated to commence the work and to ask
Congress for the necessary appropriation.
The Plymouth and Germantown have also
been raised. The Columbus, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Dolphin are still
under water, and as the expense of raising them will be about $25,000 an
appropriation for the purpose is recommended.
The act of Congress approved May 20, 1861 (Pamphlet
Laws, second session, 1861, p. 39), limits the appointment of officers
of the Navy to those resigning from the Navy of the United States in consequence
of secession of any or all of the Confederate States and who may be fit
for active service.
Several officers unfit for active service have
resigned from the retired list of the United States Navy, and one officer
who was not retired, but who is unfit for active service, has also resigned.
These gentlemen have been actuated by a patriotism no less devoted than
that which has distinguished the great body of Southern naval officers,
and as no provision has been made for them the subject is presented for
your consideration.
The State of Virginia before joining the Confederate
States appointed to her naval service several officers who had resigned
from the United States Navy not in consequence of secession. They were
employed generally as artillery officers in commanding, instructing, or
erecting batteries. They are generally officers of the highest professional
character and efficiency and are rendering important service, and I submit
for your consideration the expediency of retaining them in the public service
during the war or otherwise.
Herewith I submit a copy of the letter of Flag-Officer
Forrest communicating the death of Mr. David Williams at the Norfolk
yard, and a copy of the reply of the department.
The circumstances under which he perished constitute
the claim of the widow and children upon the consideration of Congress.
The report hereunto annexed shows the number
and grades of naval officers who have resigned from the United States Navy
in consequence of secession, and of such of those as have received appointments
in the Navy of the Confederate States.
Recruiting for the Marine Corps is progressing,
and it is stations at the Pensacola forts, cooperating with the army under
General Bragg.
The service already employs the 500 seamen, ordinary
seamen, landsmen, and boys authorized by the act of March 15, 1861, and
recommend as necessary for the public interests the employment an additional
500 of the same classes, who will be principally occupied on the coasts
of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana.
The two acts of Congress, Nos. 116, 117, approved
on the 10th of May last, authorized the expenditure of $3,000,000 for certain
objects, including the purchase of an ironclad or armored war ship; but
no money was supplied in the general estimates to meet these expenditures,
and the operations of the department in the purchase, construction, equipment,
etc., of vessels have been circumscribed to and confined to the sum of
$1,100,000, appropriated by the act of 15th March, 1861. Of this sum I
placed $600,000 at once in England, and dispatched agents abroad to purchase
gunboats; and the balance, $500,000, only, has been available to purchase
and equip vessels for coast defense. With this sum there have been purchased
the following steamers: Sumter, McRae, Jackson, Lady Davis, Savannah,
Sampson, and Resolute, and the balance on hand from this appropriation
is $140,000.
Funds are wanted to meet the estimated value
of the five steamers from North Carolina, the two from Virginia, the steamer
Florida, of Mobile, for which negotiations are pending, two small steamers
and barges for Lake Pontchartrain, five steam gunboats to be built in Mobile
and New Orleans for Lake and Sound service, five gunboats to be built in
South Carolina and Georgia for those coasts, and the reconstruction and
iron plating of the Merrimack.
No additional appropriations are required under
acts Nos. 116 and 117, before referred to, as the appropriations were embraced
in the acts; but I recommend that funds be provided as early as practicable
to meet those appropriations, and enable the department fully to carry
out the terms of the acts.
Estimates of the additional amounts required
to meet the wants of the department for the year ending February 18, 1862,
are herewith submitted.
With much respect I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Secretary of the Navy.
To: His Excellency THE. PRESIDENT.
Navy Department, Richmond, August 16,
SIR: The following statement will give the information
called for by the resolution of the 2d instant, No. 8, which I received
from you yesterday, so far as this department can furnish it:
Those officers who were commissioned in the
Virginia Navy, and who had resigned from the Navy of the United States
in consequence of the secession of Virginia or of any of the Confederate
States, and who were "fit for active service," have been commissioned or
appointed in the Navy of the Confederate States.
There were officers in the Virginia Navy who
had not thus resigned from the Navy of the United States, and others who
were not regarded fit for active service. These have not been commissioned
or appointed in the Navy of the Confederate States. I do not think that
the compact between the Confederate States and the State of Virginia provides
for these cases, and appointments to the Navy have been made by virtue
of, and under, the laws of Congress.
Herewith I hand you an extract from my report
of the 18th of July last, touching this subject, and also a classified
list of the Virginia officers turned over to this department.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your
obedient servant,
Secretary of the Navy.
Richmond, Va.
P. S.--I return herewith the resolution which
you left with me.
[Extract from the report of the Secretary of
the Navy to His Excellency the President of the Confederate States, July
18, 1861.]
"The act of Congress approved May 20,
1861 (Laws, 2d session, 1861, p. 39), limits the appointment of officers
of the Navy to those resigning from the Navy of the United States in consequence
of secession of any or all of the Confederate States and who may be fit
for active service.
"Several officers unfit for active service have
resigned from the retired list of the U. S. Navy and one officer who was
not retired, but who is unfit for active service, has also resigned. These
gentlemen have been actuated by a patriotism no less devoted than that
which has distinguished the great body of Southern naval officers, and
as no provision has been made for them, the subject is presented for your
"The State of Virginia, before joining the Confederate
States, appointed to her naval service several officers who had resigned
from the U. S. Navy not in consequence of secession. They were employed
generally as artillery officers in commanding, instructing, and erecting
batteries. They are generally officers of the highest professional character
and efficiency, and are rendering important service, and I submit for your
consideration the expediency of retaining them in the public service during
the war or otherwise."
Officers transferred by Virginia as being
in her service.
First.--Naval officers who resigned from
the U. S. Navy in consequence of secession. These have been commissioned
in the C. S. Navy.
Second.--Officers who had, at various
periods, resigned from the U. S. Navy without regard to and before secession.
These are: Commander William Leigh (resigned years ago, a lieutenant);
Lieutenants William T. Smith, C. St. George Noland, Andrew Weir, Beverly
Randolph, L. H. Lyne, and C. E. Thorburn. Medical officer--Surgeon A. Y.
P. Garnett.
Third.--Officers who were on the reserved
list of the U. S. Navy, who resigned in consequence of secession: Captains
Hugh N. Page and H. H. Cocke; Commanders Joseph Myers, William Green; Lieutenants
Bushrod W. Hunter and John S. Taylor; Master H. A. F. Young.
Fourth.--Officers who never were in U.
S. Navy, but who have been appointed officers in the Virginia Navy: Paymasters
William H. Peters and Richard Taylor; Masters Thomas Taylor and James S.
Kenner; Midshipmen James W. Pegram, George T. Sinclair, and M. B. Ruggles;
Chief Engineer Hugh Clark; Boatswain W. H. Face; Carpenter Hugh Lindsay.
Marine Corps.--Lieutenants C. M. Colyer
and O. Bradford.
Revenue officers resigned from U. S. service.--Captains
Richard Evans, R. K. Hudgins, Osmond Peters; First Lieutenant J. F. Mulligan;
Second Lieutenants D. Lagnel, B. W. Frobel, W. E. Hudgins, J. R. C. Lewis.
Richmond, January 6, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor briefly to submit for your
consideration the following plan for the formation of a provisional navy.
By the concurrent action of the maritime powers
of the old world our privateers are excluded from all but their
own ports, and these may be closed to them by the blockade.
The recognition of our independence by these
powers, and the admission to their ports of our flag upon an equal footing
with the flags of all nations, will in no respect advance the interests
or increase the facilities of privateering; and to create a branch of naval
warfare which shall enable us to unite and employ private capital and enterprise
against the enemy, and which shall be free from the objections urged against
privateering, I propose the organization of a provisional navy.
If we divest privateering of its exclusively
private, and invest it with a public, character, and connect it with the
Government by judicious checks, the objections heretofore urged against
it will no longer exist.
To attain these objects I would prescribe the
grades of officers of the provisional navy and commission such officers
for the war. I would regulate the minimum complement of every vessel, pay
a small monthly stipend to officers and men, to be received at the termination
of their cruise; reserve a portion, say 10 per centum, of all prize money,
to be paid into the Confederate Treasury, and extend to the service the
laws and regulations established for the government of the Navy, so far
as they might be found to be applicable, and prescribe for it a uniform.
The grades of commissioned officers might prudently
be confined to the following: Lieutenant commanding, first lieutenant,
second lieutenant, assistant surgeon.
Warranted officers would be masters, boatswains,
surgeon's mates, gunners, carpenters, and sailmakers, and to these the
Secretary of the Navy might be authorized to issue warrants.
The amount of pay per month to all entered for
a cruise of not less than six months, I would recommend for seamen, $5;
warrant officers, $10; lieutenants, $15; lieutenant commanding, $20, to
be paid only for the time employed in cruising beyond the waters of the
Confederacy; the payment to be made at the termination of every cruise
under the authority of the Navy Department.
The practical operation of an act of Congress
embracing these provisions would be this: A party wishing to engage in
the service would furnish the Navy Department with the name, armament,
and character of his vessel; the number and ratings on a descriptive list,
embracing name, age, place of birth, etc., of his crew, and a duplicate
of the shipping articles; the names of the persons to be commissioned and
warranted as officers, with the evidence of their character and fitness,
together with a duplicate of the contract between owners, officers, and
crew for the distribution of prize money.
These provisions would, I think, so immediately
connect the provisional navy with the Government as to obviate the leading
objections to the privateer service, and would secure for it in foreign
ports recognition as a national service, and the privileges usually accorded
to naval vessels of all nations; while the reservation of 10 per cent of
prize money would reimburse the treasury for all expenditures on account
of pay.
With much respect, your obedient servant,
Secretary of the Navy.
Richmond, February 27, 1862.
SIR: I have the honor to report to you the operations
of this department since the 18th of November, 1861, the date of my last
report, and to recite briefly the progress which has been made in naval
Flag-Officer George N. Hollins, charged
with the naval defenses of the Mississippi and the coast of Louisiana,
has under his command the following vessels: Steamers McRae, Lieutenant
Commanding Huger. 8 guns; General Polk, Lieutenant Commanding Carter, 6
guns; Florida, Lieutenant Commanding Hays, 4 guns; Mobile, Lieutenant Commanding
Shepperd, 4 guns; Pamlico, Lieutenant Commanding Dozier, 2 guns; Ivy, Lieutenant
Commanding Fry, 2 guns; Jackson, Lieutenant Commanding Gwathmey, 2 guns;
Segar, Lieutenant Commanding Shryock, 2 guns; Bienville, 5 guns; Carondelet,
5 guns; Manassas (iron ram) 1 gun; Livingston, Commander Pinkney, 6 guns;
Pontchartrain, 5 guns; Maurepas, 5 guns; schooner Pickens, 1 gun; floating
battery New Orleans, 20 guns; floating battery Memphis, 18 guns. Six barges
carrying 12 and 24 pounder howitzers.
Flag-Officer Tattnall, charged with the
naval defenses of Carolina and Georgia, has under his command the gunboats
Savannah, Lady Davis, Sampson, Resolute, and Huntress, and five gunboats
carrying three guns each, with Commander Page, Lieutenants Maffitt, Rutledge,
Kennard, Jones, and Pelot.
Flag-Officer Buchanan, on the James River,
has under his command the ironclad frigate Virginia, of 10 guns; the steamer
Patrick Henry, partially protected by iron plates, of 6 guns: the steamer
Jamestown, of 2 guns; the Teaser, of 1 gun; the Raleigh, of 1 gun, and
Beaufort, of 1 gun.
Flag-Officer Randolph, charged with the
naval defenses of Mobile, has under his command the steam sloops Morgan
and Gaines, which have just been launched, and designed for a battery of
eight guns, the schooner Alert, and two barges, carrying 24-pounder howitzers.
The armed steamer Rappahannock, under the command
of Lieutenant Lewis, is on the Rappahannock River, and the armed steamer
Richmond, under the command of Master Joseph White, is at Evansport, on
the Potomac.
There are now being constructed at New Orleans
two large and formidable iron-plated steamships, of about 1,400 tons, each
designed for a battery of 20 of the heaviest guns. One of these, the Louisiana,
has been launched and nearly completed, and the other, it is believed,
will be completed in six weeks. These ships are designed to resist at short
distances the heaviest naval ordnance, and it is believed that they will
be able to cope successfully, without risk, with the heaviest ships of
the enemy.
Two ironclad steam sloops of war are being built
at Memphis, each to carry six guns.
Two ironclad steam gunboats, with iron prows
as rams, are in course of construction at New Orleans, to carry four guns
each and it is expected will be completed in 50 days.
Preparations are being made to build there two
heavy steam rams to carry four guns each, so soon as the iron plating can
be prepared, to construct two steamers for lake service, in addition to
those just launched, and also to construct steam propellers under the recent
act of Congress.
At Mobile two large steamers, the engines for
which orders have been given to purchase, will be immediately commenced,
in addition to gunboats recently authorized by Congress.
One gunboat is nearly completed at Columbus,
Ga., and two others are under contract for completion there.
Two are nearly completed at Pensacola and one
at Jacksonville. Five are under contract at Savannah, two of which are
nearly completed. Seven steam gunboats were contracted for at different
points in the waters of North Carolina. At Norfolk we have contracts for
seven steam gunboats and at the navy yard three others are being built,
and on the rivers of Virginia active preparations are in progress under
a selected corps of experienced officers, to construct 100 steam gunboats
of about 170 tons, each to carry two guns.
I submit herewith a copy of the report of Flag-Officer
Lynch of the engagement of his fleet with that of the enemy at Roanoke
Island and Elizabeth City on the 9th and 10th of February. The gallant
conduct of Flag-Officer Lynch, his officers, and men against the overwhelming
forces of the enemy, reflects credit upon the naval service and merits
high commendation.
I deem it proper briefly to advert to some of
the numerous obstacles which present themselves in our Confederacy to the
speedy creation of a navy, and which time and prudent legislation will
Armed hosts may spring forth and armies may be
promptly marshaled to repel invasion, but naval defenses of a country have
ever necessarily been of tardy growth, and in this age, when the steam
engine is as essential to the warship as her battery, and when warfare
upon the deep is conducted upon a scale far greater than ever before, the
difficulties, delays, and expenses of creating a navy are immeasurably
multiplied and increased.
The materials of construction, the artisans,
the workshops, the instructed officers, and the seamen--all essential to
the creation of a naval establishment--demand time and the fostering hand
of the Government, whatever may be its resources, to develop and bring
into useful operation.
The want of workshops of large capacities is
severely felt. No marine engines, such as are required for the ordinary
class of sloops of war or frigates, have ever been made in any of the Confederate
States, nor have workshops capable of producing them existed in either
of them. Parts of three such engines only have been made in Virginia, but
the heavier portions of them were constructed in Pennsylvania and Maryland,
and had we the workshops, the construction of one such engine would require
a year.
From the commencement of hostilities our foundries
have been engaged in supplying the pressing demands for cannon, shot, and
shell, and but few of them have been in a condition to engage in the manufacture
of steam engines. Hence the department, to meet the urgent demand for naval
defenses, and as a temporary expedient, has been compelled, while preparing
the means for the construction of a permanent Navy, to avail itself of
such steam vessels found in our ports as could be converted to war purposes,
and to purchase others in order to obtain machinery for new vessels.
All efforts at construction, whether by contractors
or by the department, have been crippled by the want of mechanics. Every
applicant willing and able to work upon our vessels has been employed and
at wages nearly double those given 12 months ago. Calls for mechanics have
been made upon the Army repeatedly, and these have been responded to as
far as the interests of that branch of the service would seem to warrant,
and yet not half the number required can be obtained.
The same difficulty exists in obtaining instructed
sailors. The States forming our Confederacy, engaged chiefly in agricultural
pursuits and having but little commerce and few ships upon the sea, have
furnished no school for seamen, and the services of this valuable class
of men, only to be created by time and judicious legislation, can not
be performed by landsmen.
The United States have a constructed Navy; we
have a Navy to construct, and as we can not hope to compete with them in
the number of their ships--the results of three-quarters of a century--wisdom
and policy require us to build our ships in reference to those of the enemy,
and that we should, in their construction, compensate by their offensive
and defensive power for the inequality of numbers. This it is confidently
believed can be accomplished by building plated or ironclad ships, a class
of war vessels which has attracted much attention and elicited great research
in England and France within the past five years.
Fully impressed with the importance of this subject,
an intelligent and reliable officer of our Navy was sent in May last to
England and France, and he is still there, with instructions to have constructed,
if practicable, an iron-plated vessel similar to the French sloop Gloire.
This could only be done with the assent of the Government.
Such ships being useless for all purposes but
those of naval warfare are built only as national vessels and can not be
purchased, and the relative positions of these countries, their rivalry
in naval construction, and the attitude assumed by both toward our country
have rendered it impossible as yet to accomplish the object in view. Very
recent information, however, induces the belief that one such vessel may
now be contracted for in France and one in England, but I have not been
able to ascertain at what cost or within what time they could be completed
or whether we would be permitted to fit the vessels out in any European
port. Upon this subject a special agent was sent to England recently.
We have succeeded, however, in constructing two
fine steamships (not ironclad) in England through third parties, one of
which was probably completed and delivered to our agents a month ago and
the other is to be completed and delivered in May next. Such vessels as
the English frigate Warrior, whose cost has exceeded $5,000,000, and as
the French sloop Gloire, which cost about $2,000,000, can not be constructed
in this Confederacy.
The judgments of naval men and of other experts
in naval construction have, however, been consulted, and such an arrangement
of iron plates to the hulls of vessels has been adopted as will, it is
believed, enable us with a small number of vessels comparatively to keep
our waters free from the enemy and ultimately to contest with them the
possession of his own.
The two ironclad frigates at New Orleans, the
two plated ships at Memphis, the two ironclad gunboats in course of construction
at New Orleans, and the Virginia, now completed at Norfolk, are vessels
of this character.
Such vessels as those first named can be constructed
in a third of the time which would be required to build a sloop like the
Gloire if we had the ability to build one, and yet, though the Virginia's
machinery and the hull to the bends were good, at least 1,500 men working
zealously have been engaged upon and for her completion since July last.
In order to stimulate the production of iron
plating a reliable agent was sent in April last to the different rolling
mills of the country to ascertain the practicability of manufacturing iron
plates of the character required for such vessels, and from that time to
the present every effort has been made to stimulate their production, and
although the quantity we have been thus able to obtain is limited rolling
mills are in course of construction which will, it is believed, greatly
facilitate if they do not supply this important want of the public service.
An estimate may be made of the iron thus required for naval purposes and
the consequent development of the iron and coal deposits of our country
by the fact that about 1,000 tons have been used in plating the Virginia.
This has been produced by the Tredegar Works,
of Richmond, while an equal quantity of similar plating is being manufactured
by rolling mills in Atlanta, Ga., for an iron-plated frigate nearly
completed at New Orleans.
The manufacture of anchors and chains, of bolt,
bar, rod, and boiler iron, of bolt and pig copper and copper sheathing,
new branches of industry in our Confederacy, the manufacture of heavy iron
and light bronze ordnance and of powder; the collection of ship timber
and naval stores and supplies of niter, sulphur, coal, iron, and steel,
and the establishment of laboratories for the preparation of all classes
of ordnance stores, have been satisfactorily commenced, by contract and
otherwise, upon a scale looking to the future wants of the country.
Under the orders of this department experiments
have been made by naval officers with iron-plated targets, which afford
valuable information in addition to that derived from French and English
tests, upon the resistance of iron plates to shot and shell.
I recommend that the number of officers in the
different grades of the Navy be determined by law. So long as officers
were coming to us from the Navy of the United States and places were reserved
for them this could not be done, but ample time has been afforded to all
who desired to join us from that source.
The act originally providing for a Navy,
approved March 16, 1861, limited the number of captains to 4, of commanders
to 4, of lieutenants to 30, of surgeons to 5, of assistant surgeons to
5, of paymasters to 6, and of chief engineers to 2, and under the act of
May 20, 1861, providing for the appointment of all officers fit for active
service, resigning from the Navy of the United States in consequence of
the secession of these States, the grade of captain has been increased
to 10, of commander to 28, of lieutenant to 76, of surgeons to 22, of assistant
surgeons to 14, of paymaster to 11, and of chief engineer to 5.
There has been no promotion in the Navy, and can
be none until the numbers in the several grades shall be determined. The
good of the service would be advanced by increasing the number of grades,
thus rendering promotion, more frequent, and I recommend that instead of
one grade of lieutenants there be two, to be known as the grades of first
and second lieutenants, and that the grade of master in the line of promotion
be also established.
I have heretofore brought to your attention the
importance of providing for the education of midshipmen. The scientific
education of naval officers is more necessary now than at any previous
period, and all the naval powers of the earth have made for it the most
ample and thorough provision. I would not recommend a large expenditure
for this purpose in the present condition of the Treasury, but the foundation
of an institution so essential to the interests of the Navy may be economically
Appointed from civil life, and possessing but
little knowledge of the duties of an officer, ignorant even of the vocabulary
of the profession, midshipmen are sent to vessels or to batteries where
adequate study and instruction are impracticable. Until the establishment
of a naval school the receiving ship at Norfolk might be prepared for the
accommodation of a hundred midshipmen, where, under competent naval officers,
a knowledge of important branches of the profession might be acquired.
The creation of a volunteer or provisional Navy
for the war, heretofore brought to your notice in detail, merits, I am
persuaded, serious consideration, and I deem it proper to repeat my recommendation
upon the subject.
The Norfolk yard, under the efficient direction
of Flag Officer Forrest, is rendering the most important service
to the country. The construction of vessels and their equipments of gun
carriages, ordnance, and ordnance stores, the manufacture of steam engines
and of shot and shell are all progressing satisfactorily.
The Pensacola yard being commanded by the
enemy's guns, has been useless as a naval establishment.
A code of regulations for the general government
of all persons connected with or employed in the naval service, as provided
for by the act of March 16, 1861, has been carefully prepared and will
he submitted for your approval at an early day.
On the 24th of December last Congress appropriated
$500,000 for the construction of gunboats on the Cumberland and Tennessee
Rivers, and on the following day I sent an energetic and reliable naval
officer, Lieutenant Isaac N. Brown, of Mississippi, to Nashville, with
full authority and instructions to purchase and arm steamers and convert
them into gunboats with all possible dispatch. He entered at once upon
this duty, purchasing the steamers James Wood, James Johnson, and Dunbar,
ordnance for which was in part and promptly sent from Richmond. He had
not completed these vessels when the enemy reached Nashville, and information
has reached me unofficially that he destroyed them to prevent them from
falling into the enemy's hands.
Under the existing law prescribing the term of
service of marines, enlistments can be made for four years.
This has retarded enlistments, and I recommend
that authority be given to enlist marines for three years or for the war:
and that the bounty of $50 for enlistment in the Army and Navy be extended
to this Corps.
Estimates of the amount required for the naval
service to the 30th of June next are herewith submitted in accordance with
the request of the Secretary of the Treasury.
With much respect, your obedient servant.
Secretary of the Navy.
Navy Department, Richmond, August 16,
SIR: I have the honor to report to you the operations
of this department since the 27th of February last, the date of my last
The military necessity of abandoning a large
portion of the sea and river shores of our country to the enemy has entailed
upon us serious naval losses and interfered to a great extent with our
efforts at construction.
The destruction of the Virginia in Hampton
Roads, and of many vessels in course of construction upon the rivers
of Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida, resulted from the withdrawal
of our protecting forces.
In the defense of the Mississippi River against
the combined attack of the enemy on the 24th of April, 1862, the naval
force at the command of the senior officer participated, and though the
results were disastrous to our arms, the conduct of the officers and men
of our squadron in the river against overwhelming forces exhibited the
highest evidence of patriotic devotion and professional ability and daring.
The conduct of the officers and crew of the
McRae in these respects has rarely been surpassed in the annals of naval
warfare. Exposed to the terrific fire of many heavy ships, all greatly
superior to her in force, torn to pieces by their broadsides, her commanding
officer, Huger, mortally wounded, and a large portion of her crew killed
or wounded, they refused to surrender as long as they could keep her afloat,
and she went down without having passing into the enemy's hands.
The Louisiana contended also with the
enemy's heaviest vessels at close quarters and in actual contact. Her commanding
officer, McIntosh, was mortally wounded, and when she could no longer
be defended she was destroyed by her crew.
The Manassas, under Lieutenant Commanding
Warley, was handled with remarkable coolness and skill, and inflicted
much injury upon the enemy before she went down. The reports(*) of Commander
Mitchell, of the Louisiana, of Lieutenant Warley, of
the Manassas, and of Lieutenant Read, of the McRae,
marked "A," "B," and "C," are appended.
A naval force of five gunboats and a floating
battery under Captain Hollins participated in the defense of Island No.
10 and did good service.
Upon the fall of New Orleans the three gunboats,
Bienville, Pamlico, and Carondelet, on Lake Pontchartrain, were
destroyed by their officers. A court of inquiry has reported upon this
transaction and expressed an opinion which justifies their destruction.
The senior officer has, however, been sent before a court-martial for trial.
Upon the abandonment of Island No. 10 Commander
Pinkney, the senior naval officer in command, sent to the Arkansas
and White Rivers the steamers Maurepas and Pontchartrain, under the command
of Lieutenants Fry and Dunnington, and carried with him the Livingston
and Polk into the Yazoo River, where, on the 26th of June, upon the
approach of the enemy, he destroyed them. This officer has also been sent
before a court-martial for trial.
The abandonment of Memphis rendered the completion
of the ironclad steamer Tennessee impracticable, but the work upon the
sloop of war Arkansas being further advanced, she was carried to the
Yazoo and there completed. On the 14th [15th] day of July this vessel,
raider the command of Lieutenant Isaac N. Brown, left her position
in the Yazoo for Vicksburg, where she arrived safely after an engagement
of several hours with 17 of the enemy's ships. Naval history records few
deeds of greater heroism or higher pro-regional ability than this achievement
of the Arkansas.
Commander Brown's report(+) of the engagement,
marked "D," is appended.
Her machinery was new, and sufficient time for
its reliable adjustment had not been afforded when she was sent to cooperate
in the attack upon Baton Rouge on the 7th instant. On the following day,
in the face of a greatly superior force, when within 5 miles of her destination,
some derangement of her machinery occurred, when she was at once attacked
by a large force of the enemy and, hopeless of escape, her crew destroyed
A court of inquiry, to report upon the facts
involved in the destruction of the Virginia, by the order of her
commanding officer, Flag-Officer Tattnall, and which court he asked
for, having expressed an opinion against the necessity of such destruction,
I had charges preferred against him therefor, and he was tried by a court-martial,
which he also applied for. Upon a full examination of the case the court
granted him an honorable acquittal.
The same court was ordered to report upon the
facts involved in the destruction of the Mississippi, and
expressed the opinion "that the destruction was necessary to prevent her
from falling into the hands of the enemy."
The abandonment of Norfolk stripped us not only
of a vast amount of valuable property and building material, but deprived
us of our only dry dock and of tools which are not found and can not be
replaced or made in the Confederacy.
Upon the destruction of the Virginia,
her officers and crew were placed at Drewry's Bluff, under the command
of Commander Farrand, and the defenses at that point were committed to
him. Aided by a small military force, and the able assistance of the Engineer
Corps, the river was obstructed and batteries of heavy navy guns were established.
On the 15th of May this position was attacked
by the enemy's two ironclad sloops of war, Galena and Monitor, and two
steam gunboats, within a distance of about 400 yards. After a severe contest
of two hours, the enemy's ships slipped their cables and ran down the river,
the Galena on fire and with 17 shot through her iron armor. The conduct
of the officers and men in this gallant affair justified the confidence
of the country and sustained the honor of the service. Commander Farrand's
report,(*) marked E, is appended.
In June Lieutenant Commanding Joseph Fry,
in the gunboat Maurepas, sunk his vessel in White River near St.
Charles, to obstruct the passage of the enemy's vessels and placed his
battery on shore. In this position he was attacked on the 19th of June
by two ironclad gunboats, and after a severe action of two hours he beat
them off and destroyed the largest of the enemy's ships, the Mound City,
and a great portion of her crew. He was then attacked by a land force of
1,500 men and his battery was captured. Lieutenant Fry, who behaved
with great gallantry, was severely wounded and made prisoner, and no official
report has yet been received from him.
On the 25th of March the gunboat Pamlico,
Lieutenant Commanding Dozier, engaged the U. S. gunboat New London,
and on the 4th of April, the Carondelet, Lieutenant Commanding
Gwathmey, with the aid of the Oregon and Pamlico, engaged three
of the enemy's gunboats. Both engagements occurred near Pass Christian
and were without material results.
Cruising ships, constructed in Europe,
are now in commission, and heavy ironclad vessels are being constructed
at home and abroad, and all the means available for this purpose are employed.
The want of expert workmen is felt in every workshop,
public and private, some of which have had to discontinue operations, while
others are employing only a third or a half their productive capacity.
The want of expert mechanics and of iron and
the absence of tools and workshops for such work as heavy ironclad ships
require, greatly curtail the ability of the Confederacy in the construction
of this class of vessels.
From the want of mechanics, contractors with
this department for steam machinery, ordnance, and ordnance stores, and
the hulls of vessels and for lumber and iron, fail to fulfill their engagements.
The scarcity of mechanics is attributable to
the fact that a large portion of those employed in the Confederacy were
Northern men or foreigners, who have, in consequence of the war, left the
country, while our own mechanics are generally in the Army.
The embarrassments arising from this condition
of things are pointed out by the report of Chief Engineer Williamson,
which report, marked "F," is appended, and I will only add as an illustration,
that the day after Congress passed the bill appropriating $500,000 for
the defenses of the Cumberland River, Lieutenant Commanding Isaac N.
Brown, of the Navy, whose instructions are appended, was charged with
the duty of getting gunboats afloat upon this river, at the earliest moment
and entered at once upon the duty; but found it impossible either to have
the necessary work done by contract or to obtain a sufficient number of
mechanics to execute it within any reasonable time; and from this cause
the three boats which he had purchased and was fitting out, two for the
Cumberland and one for the Tennessee River, were lost when Nashville fell.
For want of mechanics at Memphis, the work upon
the Arkansas was retarded at least six months, and the sister ship Tennessee,
at the same place, had, upon its abandonment, to be destroyed. An appeal
was made to the commanding general at Memphis when these ships were commenced
to detail mechanics to work upon them, but without effect.
Certain patriotic citizens of Georgia having
constructed a floating battery sheathed with railroad iron for service
in the Savannah River, and tendered her to this Government, she has been
received, armed, manned, and equipped by this department.
The river steamer Baltic has been purchased
by the State of Alabama, prepared for gunboat service, and turned over
to the Confederate States. We have armed, manned, and equipped the vessel
and she is in service at Mobile.
The appended report, marked "G," of the officer
in charge of ordnance will exhibit the contracts and advances made by this
department for iron and coal. Favorable representations having been made
of iron and coal deposits in Cass and Harrison Counties, Texas, an agent
has been dispatched there empowered to make such contracts as will encourage
their development, and the manufacture of iron plates and ordnance.
In addition to these contracts, in conjunction
with the War Department, the following have been made:
F. B. Deane, jr., & Son, of Lynchburg, Va.,
for 4,000 tons of shot and shell, to be delivered within two years.
J. R. Anderson & Co., of Richmond, Va., for
cannon, shot, shell, bolt, bar, rod, plate, and boiler iron, to the amount
of $2,000,000 annually, for two years.
Messrs. Quinby and Robinson, Etowah Works, Georgia,
for cannon, shot, shell, bolt, bar, rod, plate, boiler, and railroad iron
and car springs to the amount of $1,500,000 annually for two years.
The report of the officer in charge of ordnance,
showing the progress and condition of the ordnance work shops at Richmond,
[Va.], Charlotte, N. C., and Atlanta, Ga., and the powder mill at Columbia,
S. C., is also appended, marked "H."
The fifth section of the act of Congress
entitled "An act to further provides for the public defense," approved
the 16th of April, 1862, provides that "all seamen and ordinary seamen
in the land forces of the Confederate States enrolled under the provisions
of this act may, on application of the Secretary of the Navy, be transferred
from the land forces to the naval service." Application having been made
under this section for transfers of seamen from the military to the naval
service, the Secretary of War, under existing exigencies, finds it impossible
to make them.
I respectfully recommend such legislation as
may, without impairing the efficiency of the Army, secure the services
of seamen or watermen for the Navy, and it may be advisable to provide
that officers enrolling conscripts shall enroll this class separately for
the naval service. They are methodically and thoroughly drilled by skillful
and well-trained officers, and the conduct of officers and men of the Navy
in shore batteries at Aquia Creek, Evansport, St. Charles, [Ark.], and
Drewry's Bluff proves how thoroughly their discipline, efficiency,
and devotion may be relied upon [on] shore or afloat.
I recommend for the consideration of Congress
the expediency of granting prize money to the officers and men of Flag-Officer
Buchanan's squadron for the destruction of the enemy's ships in Hampton
Roads in the engagement of the 8th of March last.
The recommendations of the Chief of the Marine
Corps, Colonel Lloyd J. Beall, are appended and approved, marked "I."
The services of this command, unlike those of
a regiment of infantry, are usually rendered by small detachments, and
hence it requires a larger proportion of noncommissioned officers and musicians
than other military organizations. He suggests such an amendment of the
act organizing this Corps, approved May 20, 1861, as will allow 60 sergeants,
60 corporals, 20 drummers, 20 fifers, and 2 principal musicians, the principal
musicians to receive each the pay of a sergeant-major.
The provisions of the act of Congress approved
April 16, 1862, entitled "An act to further provide for the public defense,"
have defeated attempts to recruit for this corps. Its present condition
and organization and the skill and character of its officers give assurance
that if full it would be the best-disciplined and one of the most efficient
regiments in the service, and I recommend such legislation as will remove
the difficulties in the way of recruiting for it.
The act of Congress, approved April 21, 1862,
entitled "An act to amend an act to provide for the organization of the
Navy," pro-rides for the grade of past assistant surgeon, but does not
provide any pay for it, and I recommend that the pay of this grade be determined.
The act just referred to also provides for the
appointment of an engineer in chief and I recommend that the pay of this
officer be determined.
The want of iron is severely felt throughout
the Confederacy, and the means of increasing its production demand, in
my judgment, the prompt consideration of Congress.
The Government has outstanding contracts amounting
to millions of dollars, but the iron is not forthcoming to meet the increasing
public wants.
Scrap iron of all classes is being industriously
collected by agents of the Government, and we are now rolling railroad
iron into plates for covering ships, while the condition of the roads admonish
us that they will soon require extensive supplies. The freight upon imported
rails at this time, independent of all risks, exceeds three times its original
Under the joint resolution of Congress authorizing
the President to contract for the construction in Europe of six ironclad
vessels, approved April 19, 1862, a contract has been entered into with
George N. Sanders for their construction.
I submit the estimates of the amount required
by the department for the month of December, 1862.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your
obedient servant,
Secretary of the Navy.
Bill for the reorganization of the Medical
Corps of the Confederate States Navy.
Be it enacted by the Congress of the Confederate
States that,
(1) All medical officers of the Navy shall
be denominated staff officers, and the medical staff shall be composed
of the following grades:
(2) One director general, with the rank of brigadier-general,
and an annual pay equivalent to that of other heads of Naval Bureaus.
(3) Ten inspectors of hospitals and fleets,
to be appointed by the President from the grade of surgeons, and who shall
have the rank of colonel, and the pay now allowed by law to fleet surgeons.
One or more inspectors shall have the supervision of all naval hospitals
within the Confederate States, and one shall be attached to each fleet
and shall have general supervision of the medical department of the fleet.
(4) Twenty surgeons with the rank of major
and pay as now allowed by law.
(5) Forty assistant surgeons, with the rank
of captain, whose pay for the first five years shall be as at present,
and, after five-years' service, that allowed by law to passed assistant
(6) Medical officers, whose age or health renders
it necessary, shall be retired on leave-of-absence pay, by a board of medical
officers assembled for that purpose, their action being subject to the
approval of the President; the vacancies thus occasioned to be filled by
(7) Assistant surgeons shall be in the
Navy three years, two of which shall have been spent onboard of a vessel
of war in active service, and part of the remaining year in a naval hospital
before they shall be entitled to examination for promotion.
(8) The commanding officer of any vessel,
post, or station, in the execution of his duties as such, shall take
precedence of all medical officers attached to his command. In event
of the removal, disability, or absence of such commanding officer, the
line officer next in rank shall succeed to command, and will likewise take
precedence of medical officers, but no medical officer shall, at any time,
be subject to the orders of a warrant or inferior officer not in the line
of promotion.
(9) Medical officers of the Navy shall share
prize money, select quarters, and be entitled to all the honors of
their rank, and shall wear the uniform of such rank with such difference
in the color of the material (if necessary) as may readily distinguish
them from officers of the same rank in the line.
(10) All court-martial for the trial of medical
officers shall be in part composed of such officers.
(11) The service performed in the United States
Navy by medical officers who have resigned therefrom, and are noncommissioned
in the Confederate States Navy, shall be considered as having been performed
under their present commissions.
(12) All laws or parts of laws in conflict with
this act, are hereby repealed.
The foregoing bill, having been exhibited to
the undersigned officers of the line, has been approved, as follows:
Approved, with the exception of clause 10.
Flag-Officer and Chief of Bureau of
Orders and Detail.
Approved in full:
GEORGE N. HOLLINS, Flag-Officer.
SAMUEL BARRON, Flag-Officer.
W. C. WHITTLE, Captain.
ROBERT G. ROBB, Commander.
MURRAY MASON, Commander.
Commander, etc., Chief of Ordnance Bureau.
J. W. COOKE, Commander.
JNO. M. BROOKE, Commander.
WM. H. MURDAUGH, First Lieutenant.
D. P. McCORKLE, First Lieutenant.
R. R. CARTER, First Lieutenant.
W. H. WARD, First Lieutenant.
B. P. LOYALL, First Lieutenant.
WM. C. WHITTLE, [Jr.], First Lieutenant.
Clause No. 11 was added, with approval of the
Secretary of the Navy, for the purpose of removing a difficulty which existed
in reference to the pay of medical officers who refused commissions in
the northern Navy. The Secretary has a copy of this bill, but has not expressed
an opinion upon its merits, with exception of the clause referred to.
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