Admiral Raphael Semmes Camp
11 Sons of Confederate Veterans
Mobile, Alabama
A Dr. William D. McCain Old School Camp navigates
by the SCV Constitutional principles of being "patriotic, historical, educational,
benevolent, non-political, non-racial, non-sectarian" and, to maintain
control of its own destiny and good name, adheres to a policy of non-alignment
with other organizations in any form whatsoever outside of the Military
Order of the Stars and Bars, the United Daughters of the Confederacy and
the Children of the Confederacy.
The justification for its organizational existence
and the loyalty of its members mandates that an Old School Camp confines
its focus to advancing only the tenets of the SCV as laid down by the Preamble
and Article II of the SCV Constitution. An Old School Camp adamantly declines
to allow the personal agendas and actions of individuals, both inside and
outside the SCV, nor the agendas and actions of other groups to distract,
divert or alter the adherence to the "letter and spirit" of the SCV Constitution.
By so saying an Old School Camp acknowledges
that it is ever mindful of the basic constitutional premise of its honored
Confederate ancestors, and by inference from the Preamble to the SCV Constitution
as well, to practice a strict construction of constitutions and thus to
hold it to be a duty and an obligation to apply a literal interpretation
to the SCV Constitution in all matters and under all circumstances.
To an Old School Camp the SCV Constitution is
not something to be followed only when it is convenient or expedient but
rather as the paramount document to be adhered to at all times in the sphere
of SCV activities. The SCV Constitution is not viewed as a stumbling block
to be circumvented in order to obtain self-serving ends. Rather it is the
touchstone providing the definitive principles to which SCV efforts are
to be directed using only tactics compatible with the expressed Constitution
and reaching
intent of the SCV Constitution. To an Old School
Camp the SCV is not a block to aspirations but rather the means of defining
In short, an Old School Camp is what the SCV
Constitution calls for a Camp to be and what a fervent desire to preserve
the good name of the SCV and its independent existence entreats of it in
the form of policy
for prudent men to follow rather than what the
whims of man would have the SCV to be. As such, striving is directed towards
not being just an Old School Camp in name only but in all SCV endeavors.
May those who come after find us faithful and not lead astray by self-proclaimed
"friends" who come in lambskin but who are inward ravenous wolves.
Beginning in the 1990's, and unfortunately continuing
to the present day, there have been those who have taken unwarranted license
to misconstrue the original intent and the true meaning of two of the six
principles describing the nature of the SCV as found in Article II, Section
1 of the SCV Constitution. This apparently has been done from want of perception
and/or by design to advance the agenda of other -organizations. The two
principles in question are "patriotic" and "non-political."
Regardless of what some may be pleased to believe
the term "patriotic," ie, love of and support for the authority and interest
of one's country,
as used by the SCV Constitution is specifically
directed to the United States of America. That this is so is underlined
by the fact that the SCV Constitution begins with the phrase "In the name
of a reunited country" and goes on to declare "An unquestioned allegiance
to the Constitution of the United States of America..." (see the Preamble
to the SCV Constitution). This focus becomes even clearer when Article
II, Section 2 of the SCV Constitution states "Nothing in this Constitution...
shall be construed to abridge or prohibit the adoption or advocacy of positions
that are concerned with the general welfare of the United States of America
or its national security...."
The only SCV members excluded from "patriotism"
being directed only to
the United States of America are members who
are not citizens of the USA. In Article IV, Section S of the SCV Constitution
we find that "The language of the Preamble to the contrary notwithstanding,
no member of
the Sons of Confederate Veterans who is not a
citizen of the United States of America, shall be required to pledge or
declare allegiance to the Constitution or Government of the United States
of America." Note that by excluding SCV members who are not citizens of
the USA from the acts
to "pledge or declare allegiance to the Constitution
or Government of the United States of America" it maintains an expectation
that all other SCV members are still bound to observe these acts of patriotism
toward the USA. In directing SCV patriotism to the USA the SCV Constitution
is but echoing and supporting the wishes of Jefferson Davis who said
"Let me beseech you to lay aside all rancor,
all bitter sectional feeling, and to make your places in the ranks of those
who will bring about a consummation devoutly to be wished - a reunited
country" and of Robert E. Lee who stated "The war being over ...and the
questions at issue ...having been decided, I believe it to be the duty
of everyone to unite in the restoration of the country and the reestablishment
of peace and harmony."
Having so said it should also be noted that patriotism
to the USA does not preclude respect for other currently existing countries,
as the courteous standing at attention during the playing of the national
anthem of a foreign state, or the pride in and the honoring of cherished
memories of a no longer existing nation, as the singing of "Dixie" and
the celebration of Confederate Memorial Day. All are noble practices and
should be encouraged and supported. Indeed, the SCV was established
on the foundation that it is a worthy undertaking
to remember a nation that now belongs to the ages and the heroism and sacrifices
of those who lived within the boundaries of the Confederacy. At the same
time it must be realized that respect, pride in and honoring of, although
worthy feelings to cast upon entities, are not on an equal bases with the
higher plain of patriotism. This difference is distinctly noted in the
SCV rituals in which we "salute" the Confederate Flag BUT "pledge allegiance"
to the United States Flag.
Regarding the "non-political" nature the SCV
Constitution calls the organization to observe it is hard to understand
how some could not comprehend that "non" means not, other than, reverse
of thus to be "non political" is to be political in no way. Despite this
there are those who clamor that the SCV must be "more political" and do
all within their power to associate the SCV with political active groups
and their agendas.
If the wording of Article II, Section 1 of the
SCV Constitution is not specific enough in this area other parts of the
SCV Constitution brings the "not" issue into even sharper focus. "Discussion
of matters that appertain to a political party, whether specifically identified
or identified by implication, during meetings of the Confederation or any
of its subdivisions is strictly prohibited..." (Article II, Section 2).
"No discussion ...of political subjects that are identifiable with a political
party, nor any endorsement of aspirants for political office, nor any political
action except as set forth in Article II, Section 2 (see paragraph two
of this article) shall be permitted in any organization of the Sons of
Confederate Veterans or the General Confederation" (Article XVI, Section
1). "Any Camp...allowing ...political ...discussions ...shall, upon order
of the General Executive Council, surrender its charter..." (Article XIV,
Section 3). "It is the desire and intention of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans to function at all times as an organization which
is approved for exemptions from Federal income
taxes and which is qualified to receive donations which are deductible
by the donor for income tax purposes under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954..." (Article XXV, Section 2). Note that an organization
engaged in political activity cannot qualify for this exemption.
Being a "Dr. William D. McCain Old School Camp"
we of Camp 11 make it a priority to be informed of what the SCV Constitution
states and are not to be taken in by those inside or outside the SCV who
assign unfounded definitions to the wording of
said constitution or who would ignore it completely when it stood in the
way of personal goals or the agendas of other groups. To be so informed
is not to be deceived and lead astray regarding what the SCV is and is
not. To not be lead astray is to remain faithful. May those who come after
find us faithful.
In closing let us observe that a practical application
for the information contained within this article is to see that the clamor
in certain circles for the modern day secession of the South is a political
statement calling for a political act and one which is definitely associated
with a politically active party/organization. The SCV, by its constitution,
does not engage in activities of this nature nor should its name be associated
with those who do. The SCV must never forget that with us heritage preservation
is an end within itself while to a modern day secession group it is only
a means to an end. They use it as a magnet to draw an audience to themselves
and then change the focus from preserving heritage to promoting the political
agenda of secession, their real end result of choice. We recognize and
acknowledge that the way of the modern day secessionists is not the way
of the SCV and we, as an Old School Camp, follow the teaching of Robert
E. Lee: "Don't bring up your sons to detest the United States Government.
Recollect that we form but one country now. Abandon all these local animosities
and make your sons Americans."
Sometimes the absence of anger is the essence
of evil. Failure to be angry at the efforts of individuals and other organizations
to unduly influence the SCV and to supplant the SCV Constitution as our
directional compass with their personal and corporate tactics and goals
is one of these times.
To counteract such efforts we must arm ourselves
with a thorough knowledge of the SCV Constitution so that when our direction
is recognized as being off course we can redirect our direction back to
the original heading. Failure to recognize when we are off course and/or
to have the resolve to bring our direction back into compliance with the
Constitution of the SCV can only end with the SCV being lead astray by
the voices of sirens until we crash upon the shoals and reefs in the fashion
of ancient Greek mariners and thus terminate the voyage of our SCV in an
ignoble manner.
It is our time to stand watch. By being a
"Dr. William D. McCain Old School Camp" Camp 11 has set itself to prevent
this appalling fate from becoming a reality. As a steward of the SCV what
type of SCV will you pass to your posterity? The one developed and nurtured
by our founders and which is grounded in the SCV Constitution or the one
that is currently trying to usurp our organization to gratify the selfish
interests of individuals and/or the agendas of other groups? A stance is
required. Where do you stand?
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