John E. Billups served on the CS
FLORIDA with Capt. Maffitt on his famous run into Mobile Bay, Alabama
then left with it on the equally famous run out of the bay.
Later was transferred by Capt. Maffitt in May 1863 with Lt. C. W. Read to the captured Clarence, then, Tacony-Archer and appointed Masters Mate by Read, continuing to serve with him on the James River Batteries and the CS Steamer WEBB on the Mississippi River. |
Commander Isaac Newton Brown
Born in KY. Appointed from MS. Commanded the CSS ARKANSAS and CSS CHARLESTON. "Promoted for gallant conduct in successfully engaging the enemy's fleet on the Mississippi River before the city of Vicksburg, while in command of the ironclad steamer Arkansas, on 15 July 1862" |
Dallas, Greenwood
Cemetery, near old downtown. Located at Hall St. and
Ave. in the old State Thomas district near the old trolly tracks still
in use. Courtesy
Flatt of TX
Marlin, Falls
County, Calvary Cemetery, located at Fortune and
Streets, 3 blocks from the NE corner of the Courthouse on Fortune St. Courtesy
Ms. Marian Gibbs and Curtis Flatt of TX (great
**NEW** Glenwood Cemetery, Section E-1 William Allen Carrington Born at Longwood, Prince Edward County, Virginia Died at Waldens Ridge, Tennessee Acting Midshipman, CSS Patrick Henry |